Saturday, March 18, 2017

Taste Coming Back

I think it was about a week ago I was in the shower and I took in a mouthful of water to rinse my mouth out with.  I had been doing this when the thick ropy saliva started because flushing my mouth out with warm water was one of the few things that felt good.  Well this time the water actually tasted refreshing like water should, not metallic like it had tasted when I started radiation.  This was a very pleasant surprise.  Since then I had been taking sips of cold water throughout the day to freshen and sooth my mouth even though it would occasionally cause pain.

I've also been concerned about my teeth not having really used them in almost two months.  I figured if I could find some not so spicy gum to chew that would keep them as well as my chewing function in good working order.  So last night after work I went to the store and picked up some fruity gum with Xylitol as a sweetener.  I read that gum with Xylitol is good for people with dry mouth because they're more susceptible to tooth decay and well, gum with sugar promotes tooth decay.

So I got this gum and really didn't expect much as far as flavor but was willing to sacrifice that for the previously mentioned reasons.  To my surprise I could taste what seemed like the full, sweet flavor.  It was painful at first as the full flavor of the gum came in contact with the inside of my raw mouth but after a few minutes that wore off and I could enjoy chewing.  This gave me hope that my taste buds were returning sooner that expected.  Was I excited.

The next day I tried another piece and I had been thinking about how I could temper the initial painfulness of a fresh stick of gum.  I thought maybe I could soak it in water or even have my wife chew it for me to wear out some of the flavor.  No, that's too disgusting even for someone an pragmatic as me.  Then I wondered if I sipped ice cold water during the first few minutes if that would help.  So I tried it and sure enough it did.  I know it's small but being able to chew gum make me feel like I'm a little closer to normalcy.

In the afternoon my younger son made himself some frozen taquitos for lunch.  Now, I've been smelling savory, cooked food and have wanted to try some for weeks now, but the rough texture that that kind of food typically has has been keeping me at bay.  However, the flavor of the gum and the prospect of being able to taste savory food again gave me the courage to have a little taste.  I didn't dare sample the crunchy tortilla, but a little bit of the meat might be OK.  So I got a little pinch of the meat filling and cautiously placed it in my mouth.  Wow! It was amazing!  It tasted better than I remember it.  Savory deliciousness with a little bit of spice.  Of course it burned like hell, not from the heat but because of the condition of my mouth.  Oh! But it was soooo worth it and to taste real food again was wonderful!!!

I am so excited to have my taste return to me this soon.  I was worried that it would take months, now I am filled with a renewed vigor and joy with the idea that I may soon be able to not only eat again but enjoy food again.  This right before my upcoming birthday.  I could ask for a better birthday present.  As a matter of fact, that's all I wanted for my birthday this year was to be able to taste food again.

Now all I have to do is heal my mouth and get past this pain, then I can start eating all the wonderful things I've been missing and work on getting back all the weight I lost.  Speaking of healing, I've been examining the inside of my mouth this week fairly often and I've seen the sores, especially the one on the right side of my tongue, getting noticeably smaller.  So there IS progress.  I feel like I'm almost there.  If I could get there by next weekend, my birthday weekend, that would be the best gift ever.

Friday, March 17, 2017

One Month After Radiation

Well it's been just over a month since my last radiation treatment and it's been slow going.  I was expecting to heal as fast as my tonsillectomy's but I should have figured it would take longer since the radiation penetrated deeper into my skin.  Anyway here's a report of where I'm at.

My saliva stopped overproducing and being ropy around March 1st, about 2 weeks after my last treatment.  It's been fairly normal except for some dry spots in my mouth.  So I've been using mouth moistening products to try to prevent this dryness.  It's weird since when I experience this "dryness" it feels like I have saliva in my mouth, I just feel these "dry" spots like I drank a really dry glass of wine.  So my mouth is dry but not dry.  Maybe it's a Tao thing.

The sores in my mouth have been slow going.  I still have blisters on my gums though they have diminished.  I took some pictures of the inside of my mouth this week so I can document the progress of it's healing.  I didn't take any earlier pictures because I couldn't open my mouth enough to get a good shot of the back of my mouth.  Anyway, I noticed it kind of looks like the surface of Jupiter.

So, I imagine it pretty obvious, but I still have pain in my mouth.  It comes and goes depending on how much I talk and stress it.  I was off Hydrocodone for a while but that was when I wasn't talking.  After starting work again, on March 6th, I started taking it again.  As a result I had to start taking it again all day until I realized my pain level is tied to how much I talk so I've been trying to talk less and as a result I have to take less pain medicine.  Usually only in the evening after a long day of speaking on the phone providing I.T. support.  It is what it is.

It's good to be back to work though.  My energy level is about 90% but I just need to pace myself so that I don't slip backwards and slow my healing or get sick.  My son has been sick all week but so far it looks like I dodged that bullet.  With work, commuting, healing, bills and all the other worries I have on my plate I'm really surprised I didn't catch is fever too.  Very thankful for that.

I've pretty much gotten used to my g-tube and it hasn't given my any problems for a while now.  I was hoping I'd be off it by now, but whatever.  I'm drinking water and aloe water throughout the day orally.  It hurts like a level 7-8 every third sip but I'm trying to keep my mouth moist and keep hydrated.  I tried eating cucumbers last night only after 1 or 2 it burned the inside of my mouth and it felt like a small chunk got stuck in a pocket between my cheek and gums.  It's difficult to move my tongue around with the pain and all so eating, aside from the pain, is awkward as well.  This is really disappointing because my birthday is coming up this week and I was really hoping to feast on it.  Doesn't look like that's going to happen, but I remain hopeful.

It's been a month so I imagine my mouth should start healing faster.  I have a follow-up appointment with my Radiation Oncologist on Monday so maybe I'll have more information as to what I can expect as far as healing after that.  I really want to be done with this, but I'll get there, it's just taking a little time.